I wish I was the first to discover
Pinterest but I must admit I was the second…or maybe the third. I think one of the blogs I follow mentioned it... but then again it might have been on Facebook. Anyway, none of this really matters. What does matter is that Pinterest is So. Much. Flippin'. Fun. I mean F.U.N. What makes it so much fun? It isn't just a place to keep all those scraps of (virtual) paper that you collect for inspiration, ideas, directions, or recipes. Oh no, Pinterest is also a place to FIND all kinds of cool stuff. You see, it works like this: you get or request an "invite". Once you are officially invited you just register and you can start "pinning". FYI-, I keep the "pin it" button on my toolbar so it is simple and quick to pin from any website.
What makes Pinterest so useful is how easy it is to
organize my pins into "boards" by any category, topic or color that makes sense to me. When I need inspiration; whether to make a special gift for a loved one or maybe just dinner, I go to the appropriate board(s) and easily sort through the ideas. No more notebooks full of small scraps of paper, cut from magazines and newspapers, falling apart and taped in place on unorganized pages. No more piles of papers ready to be organized. No more bulletin boards overflowing with scraps- each competing for attention until it because less inspiration and more exasperation. Nope, on Pinterest everything is neat and tidy. You have all seen my messy crafting life; I love how neat, tidy and "all in one place" this concept is.
Before I discovered Pinterest I had to print out pictures or pages of things that I wanted to keep and that is not exactly Earth friendly and of course just creates more piles of paper that need to be filed into more 3-ring binders that get lost in the hustle of life. Finding a particular project was very difficult at best. Who doesn't have piles and piles of recipes printed from their favorite online recipe site? What I think I love the most about the idea behind Pinterest is that even thought it was possible to save favorites on websites like Etsy, Martha Stewart, or Epicurious now it is possible to save them ll in ONE place. I don't have to remember which food site a particular recipe comes from or whether I saw a cool project on Threadbangers or Martha's site.
I love all the cool tutorials that are now one the various websites, blogs, and places like e-how and Instructables. But I have bookmarks for miles of tutorials I might want to use. One of my big problems, and I'm working on it, is that I want to make everything. I literally need a staff to bring my ideas to life. Because I have a "board" of all tutorials I can keep the handy and don't need to print them off or buy the supplies and then forget how to complete the project. "I will not become a hoarder, I will not become a hoarder, I will…what? oh, sorry, I, um, I love tutorials".
Using Pinterest is very simple. You either request an invite from the site or a friend who already uses it. Once you are invited you simply register and start pinning. I keep the "pin it" button on my tool bar so I can pin from any web page that contains something fun. I have found that Pinterest can't find any photos in an email but it is easy to fix by just clicking on the photo to open it in its own window and pin away.
One of the things that makes Pinterest so special is that you can see all sorts of things you would never be able to find on your own by looking at the pins of other users. You can see Staff Favorites, search for pins by categories or see what your friends are pinning. I have found some really amazing art that I would never found on my own. It is easy to follow a pinner or a specific board and they make it simple to post your pins to Facebook if you care to.
Whether you are looking to organize your favorite DIY projects, find delicious recipes, or find new artists, you will love Pinterest. If you need an invite, shoot me an email though I had no trouble getting one form the site itself.
Laters Baby