
Monday, March 5, 2012

Blame it all on them...

You may have noticed that I haven't posted anything in the last few days.  Because it isn't MY fault, I wanted to tell you where exactly you to focus your blame.  
Let's start by blaming the staff…. isn't that the way it always goes?  Blame the servants...Blame Mr. Carsen, Mrs. Hughes or the Valet Mr. Bates.  The "T" in Valet is pronounced.  ValeTTTTT not Valayyyyy.
Maybe you should blame the Ladies: Lady Mary, Lady Edith, and Lady Sybil.  Everyone knows Mary and Edith to be nasty to each other…  so blame them.  Sybil…sweet, sweet Sybil is a nurse… nurses are perfect so we know she isn't to be blamed.
Need a young, good-looking, soon-to-be-rich Heir to blame?  That means it's Matthew. 
You probably should look toward the Lord and Lady Grantham….they own the place after all.
In the end, I'd blame the sharp tongued Dowager, The Countess of Grantham.  Her snippy tongue and hilarious lines drew me in and hooked me and kept me glued to the screen.  Plus it is fun to see Professor McGonagall say all of the scandalous and snarky things you know she always wanted to say to Professors Snape and Umbridge. 

Is it wrong that I am now thinking in a British accent?  That I can't get their stunning clothes out of my mind? That I wish I had a ladies maid?  If you haven't joined the legion of fans flocking to Downton Abbey, I suggest you run to iTunes and get caught up.  Seasons 1 and 2 have shown in the US and are available on iTunes.  I spent all weekend watching every. single. episode.  I tried to go slow….I tried to save them…I tried to make it last….but alas, I failed.  It was like trying to eat one potato chip…one candy Kiss….one piece of cake.  What?  You are supposed to only eat one piece of cake?  Oh…. well…um…Don't judge me!

The downside of watching all 16 episodes in one weekend?  The looooooooong wait for more; Season 3 does not hit the US until January 2013.  WHAT?????? 2013?????… will be a long….looooooong wait.  In the interim, don't be surprised if I blog in a British accent.  I promise to alternate between the upper crust accent of the Crowley's and the lower class accent of the staff.   



  1. I LOVE this show... and ahhhhhhhh I can not believe we don't get more until 2013... that is just cruel, but I love how this season ended!

  2. Lol I can here your Brit accent. I haven't watched the show yet but have heard so much about it that I think its time to watch.

  3. Oh, I really want to watch that now!! That's how I was about Felicity. I devoured that show. I want another show to devour. Thanks for the tip and thanks for linking this up to #findingthefunny!


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